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- Working with babies
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- Rad s logopedom
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- Organisation of Alexander Technique courses
Organisation of Alexander Technique courses

We organise Alexander Technique courses with international teachers and teachers from Croatia. As part of group work, as well as individual work in a group, Alexander Technique teachers transfer their knowledge and experience through theoretical presentations and practical work. The courses are 2-5 days long, which enables you to obtain a comprehensive image of the principles and methods of work of the Alexander Technique. The sensory- tactile messages that an Alexander Technique teacher provides with his or her well-trained hands, accompanied by appropriate verbal instructions, support you in the process of abandoning old habits and blockages of thought, feeling and movement, and help you open up your original, perfect psychophysical potential.
Announcement of courses in 2023
2 International course
1. Course from May 22nd to 25th (duration 4 days, Monday to Thursday, international course in English)
Instructors: Aranka Fortwängler, Hedda Mickausch, Ellen Mross and Andreja Tokić
2. Course from September 4th to 7th (duration 4 days, from Monday to Thursday, international course in English)
Instructors: Aranka Fortwängler, Richard Brennan, and Andreja Tokić
4 courses in Croatian
1. Course from March 31st to April 5th (duration 3 days, from Friday to Sunday)
Instructors: Aranka Fortwängler, Hedda Mikausch, Andreja Tokić
2. Course from May 19th to May 21st (duration 3 days, from Friday to Sunday)
Instructors: Aranka Fortwängler, Hedda Mikausch, Andreja Tokić
3. Course from September 8th to September 10th (duration 3 days, from Friday to Sunday)
Instructors: Aranka Fortwängler, Hedda Mikausch, Andreja Tokić
4. Course from October 20th to October 22nd (duration 3 days, from Friday to Sunday)
Instructors: Aranka Fortwängler, Hedda Mikausch, Andreja Tokić