Basic services

- Work performed according to the Alexander Technique principles with children and adults who, due to illness or acquired bad habits related to posture, have problems with movement, posture, breathing, concentration and stress.
- Training for women with children on the natural coordination of the body when conducting everyday activities, such as holding babies and toddlers.
- Swimming school according to the principles of natural movement and breathing in the water.
- Individual training in natural breathing techniques according to the Alexander Technique principles.
- Group training in natural breathing techniques according to the Alexander Technique principles.
- Individual training in natural coordination in demanding jobs (musicians, dancers, IT experts, dentists, etc.).
- Group training in natural coordination in demanding jobs (musicians, dancers, IT experts, dentists, etc.)
- Individual training in natural positions and correct coordination for people with problems in sleeping and relaxation.
- Group workshops and courses in natural breathing, movement, sitting and standing according to the Alexander Technique principles.
- Training in Nordic walking according to the Alexander Technique principles.